This page will help you get started with Button API. You'll be up and running in a jiffy!

Welcome to Button's API Documentation!

Who this is for

As a customer of Button, part of your integration may leverage Button's server-to-server API, which is documented here.

Since our product is a two-sided marketplace, Button works with two kinds of customers: Companies we call Publishers, and those we call Brands.


Publishers use Button to connect and direct their own customers out of their own apps, and into places those customers can make purchases (our Brands).

While most of this Button experience is accomplished through the Button Publisher SDK and does not directly require use of the server-to-server API, a subset of this API is relevant to publishers:

  • Offers API: Fetch personalized offers for your customers.
  • Billing API: Programmatically view and ingest performance data about activity you've driven.
  • Links API: Generate rich attributed deep links.


Brands use Button to acquire new customers and re-engage existing customers, through a high-quality customer experience.

Brands use the server-to-server API to report transactional order data to Button, and to create and manage custom audiences.

Getting help

Getting stuck? We're here to help! Contact your Button account representative, or, for help integrating.