Retrieve a list of transactions within a billing account (currency).

A transaction is a record of a commission owed or earned. A transaction is created when a user moves from a Publisher to a Brand and takes an action like installing the app or making a purchase (API details for a Brand to report an order). A finalized transaction initiates a credit to the Publisher for driving the user's transaction or app installation, and a debit to the Brand as they received an order or an app installation. We capture the various transaction event types in the category field. Additionally, transactions have a status associated with them so that you can identify the current state of the life-cycle the transaction is in.

For a full breakdown of the fields included in the Transaction payload to the right, check out the Transaction event object.

If you want to paginate across your transactions, utilize the URL as your next request URL until it is null.

Path Params

The specific account to query.

Query Params
Defaults to optional

An opaque string that lets you view a consistent list of transactions.


Filter transactions created at or after this time. Time is in RFC 3339 format. Example: 2015-11-18T00:00:00Z


Filter transactions created before this time. Time is in RFC 3339 format. Example: 2015-11-18T00:00:00Z

Defaults to optional

Time field to filter by. Accepted values are created_date, modified_date, and attribution_date. When not specified, created_date is used as default.


Number of transaction to retrieve in each request. When not specified, 50 is used as default.

Defaults to optional

Filter transactions by country. Country is in ISO 3166 Alpha-2 format (case-insensitive). Example: us


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