SDK Updates

The Button SDK is the development kit that is used to integrate Button commerce functionality into your app.

We routinely update the Button SDK with new features and improved performance. It's recommended that you update it when there are new versions available. On occassion we may pro-actively request that you perform an update, for example coinciding with major version updates of iOS or Android.

If you're trying to set up the Button SDK see Add the Button SDK


The Button SDK strictly follows semantic versioning and is extensively tested.

It is always safe, and will require no code changes to update within the same major version. e.g. 6.32 -> 6.33

You may need to make a code change to update to a new major version e.g. 7.0



If you added the Button SDK with a fuzzy version e.g. 6+ then you can simply allow Gradle to update the version of the Button SDK by refreshing dependency versions either in the UI through "Refresh Gradle Dependencies" via .

Alternatively, in the console:

./gradlew build --refresh-dependencies

If you specified a version explicitly in your build.gradle file, you will need to update the line to either match 6+ or explicitly state the latest version.
Maven Central



If you added the Button SDK with a fuzzy version e.g. ~> 6 then you can simply update with pod update Button

pod update Button

If you specified a version explicitly in your Podfile, you will need to update the line to either match ~> 6 or explicitly state the latest version

Swift Package Manager

In Xcode, navigate to FileAdd Package DependencyAdd Package Dependencies... and enter the following repository url in the search bar and set the minimum version to the latest version


If you added the Button SDK with a fuzzy version e.g. ~> 6.0 then you can simply update with carthage update

carthage update button-ios

If you specified a version explicitly in your Cartfile, you will need to update the line to either match ~>6 or explicitly state the latest version


Be sure to verify your dependency manager pulled in the latest version or alternatively you can check at runtime by calling Button.version()